Remove That Benign Breast Lump Without Surgery: About Our Nonsurgical Lumpectomy

Have you ever felt a lump in your breast and, after having been evaluated, been told that there was “nothing there” and that you should just live with it? Many patients go through expensive, emotionally taxing, and time-consuming evaluations and, at the end of their journey, are essentially sent away with a figurative pat on the knee.

At Bedford Breast Center in Beverly Hills, our breast specialists go the extra mile to make sure that every patient with a question or concern has a reasonable explanation for what they are feeling as a symptom or density or change within their breast tissue.

If you have been diagnosed as having a non-cancerous lump in your breast, you don’t have to live with it. You can have it removed—without surgery. Our breast specialists of Bedford Breast Center offer the finest, most comprehensive fibroadenoma treatment in Los Angeles to give you the quality care and peace of mind you deserve.

What is a Fibroadenoma?

Fortunately, many changes or sensations that we have in our breasts are attributable to completely healthy, non-cancerous causes. While that breast lump may not turn out to be serious or life-threatening, patients still deserve to be properly educated about their benign fibroadenoma growth.

Fibroadenoma symptoms can be subtle, and may only be detectible by mammogram. These growths do not expand beyond the breast tissue, are only a few millimeters in size, and most often do not cause pain or discomfort.

A fibroadenoma growth or tumor may be felt during a self-examination and will typically feel firm and smooth. While any growth or change in the breasts should be examined by a physician as soon as possible, the good news is that fibroadenoma treatment may not require anything more invasive than an in-office procedure.

And, in even better news, we have a special technique at Bedford Breast Center to remove safe-appearing lumps that are bothersome because of pain or tissue texture. This lumpectomy procedure:

  • Does not involve surgery
  • Does not create a visible scar
  • Does not require downtime
  • Does not involve stiches

The procedure can often be performed on the same day as your appointment if this is feasible with respect to time constraints. It typically takes 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area, and is performed with a local anesthetic. Our nonsurgical lumpectomy is also covered by most insurance policies.

Contact Our Beverly Hills Breast Health Center Today

If you or someone you know has been told that they have a “nothing there” breast lump that is bothersome, or if they’ve been told that they have a non-cancerous growth that they wish was gone but do not want to have surgery, Bedford Breast Center’s fibroadenoma treatment, or nonsurgical lumpectomy, may be the perfect option.

Contact our Los Angeles breast specialists or call (310) 278-8590 to learn more about your fibroadenoma treatment options.

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